It’s easy to feel powerless right now, in the midst of a pandemic and human rights issues. There’s that constant question: What can I do to help on any level?

It helped to hear this during a discussion led by yoga instructor Shanna Small of Khali Yoga Center on Saturday: “You cannot get to the bottom of racism in one day… it’s just little, tiny changes that make a big difference.”

That could be said for so many issues, on community levels and even personal levels. We can all make “little, tiny changes” in the span of a week that can start to move our community in the right direction, both for the sake of public health and anti-racism. In that spirit, here are nine kind, relevant things you can do this week – little, tiny changes you can make to your schedule or habits – easily. I’m working on them, too.

Take a donation-based yoga class

A lot of yoga teachers are helping raise money for anti-racism and coronavirus relief causes right now. Check out Quarantined Yoga, for starters, which has been offering two donation-based classes per week to support different organizations in the Charlotte area. The next two are 4 p.m Tuesday and Thursday, supporting the nonprofit Sanctuary in the City, which creates access for BIPOC to healing spaces, education and liberation.

Donate to a cause

This may be the first time you’re encountering the names of so many different organizations that support POC, and you may be wondering which ones are legitimate, or which fit the components of change you want to start supporting. This is a good place to start choosing.

Stop “centering”

As in, making things about you. Another of Shanna’s pearls of wisdom. In other words, if you keep hearing “I” statements coming out of your mouth when you could/should be listening more closely to someone else’s story or perspective, stop it. Listen.

Initiate time with friends

A lot of people are hurting right now, or feeling down from months of social distancing. You never know how much others are struggling unless they share it with you. Mental health is a public health issue, too. So just share a bottle of rosé, or a cheese board, or simply time with friends in your backyard. Invite people to be near you somehow, even if you’re social distancing. Create space for some joy.

Call your parents, or any relative

And tell them you love them. You really can’t do it enough. Maybe even bring them takeout, if they’re local. I brought my dad some Viva Chicken takeout last night, so we could hang out on the patio and just talk for a couple of hours. Simple but needed.

Attend an educational session

That can take so many forms: a seminar, a community meditation, etc. Khali Yoga, with Sia Small, is leading a Black Community Meditation every Thursday in June. It’s about connection and it’s free. SweatNet is leading a virtual meditation and town hall June 10. There’s so much information about events like these popping up on social media right now – sign up for something.

Wear a mask

Every. Time. You Go. To The Store. Why would you not? It’s so easy. And it’s an act of kindness to help protect other people, whether they’re vulnerable or not.

Be a better neighbor

Whether your neighbor is black or white or beyond, be a better neighbor to them. If you’re jogging or walking past, look them in the eye and say, “Hi.” Or “Good morning!” Or “How are you?” Maybe even introduce yourself. But at least acknowledge these other humans in your life; let them feel seen.

Donate blood

I have an appointment with OneBlood on Sunday. One blood donation can save up to three people’s lives. Your blood can even be tested for COVID-19 antibodies so you can be more educated about your personal health situation.

Nine simple steps. Nine little, tiny changes to make this week. What will you do?