Just over three months into working from home, I’ve learned that my office won’t open until at least Aug. 1 due to the rising cases of COVID-19 circulating the Carolinas. And the doors would likely open to people who are ready to be there, in phases. I’m not disappointed – I’m more amazed to think that, by the time I end up back in the office voluntarily, it could mean almost five months of remote work have passed.

Maybe more, depending how this phase plays out.

Which really tells me one thing: I need to find a way to infuse a sense of excitement back into my day-to-day. It’s hard to feel that (a) when I’m not lifted up by the energy of other people during the day and (b) when I don’t have plans to be somewhere or with someone after work a few days out of the week. Sure, I look forward to dinners with my husband, weekend plans with my friends in backyards or running. But nothing is really exciting to me lately. Things just brings me comfort, or easy enjoyment.

I want a weekend trip somewhere to get excited about. A wine bar date to anticipate. An adventure somewhere I’ve never been.

Going to Hilton earlier this summer helped, a little bit.

Talking about a quick day trip to Asheville or Greenville has helped, a little bit.

Tonight helped, a little bit. Rémy picked me up after work to take me to his restaurant group’s latest concept, Little Mama’s. We got treated to takeout for friends and family night. I put on my mask and went in. The space is exquisite. It reminds me a little bit of Backstage Lounge (a local speakeasy), a little bit of Kindred (our favorite special occasion spot), a little bit of Mama Ricotta’s (it’s predecessor), and then the space breaks out into something all its own. It’s takeout-only right now, and I wish we could have stayed for a cocktail. It’s lovely.

I want more jolts like that – new spaces, new tastes, new adventures. Big or small – I’ll take it. It all helps. Even if just a little bit.