Tastes, calls – here are a few healthy things I’m loving this week for my body and mind:

GT’s Synergy kombucha

No matter how much I like supporting local brands, GT’s has always been my favorite flavor source for kombucha. Somehow the flavors are sharper and stronger – the Gingerade, Strawberry Lemonade and Trilogy are my favorite and I’m always craving one of them after a solid sweat session. I’m a sucker for effervescent drinks. Since I don’t drink soda, I’m also a fan of the extra health punch that kombucha offers: organic ingredients and probiotics (living organisms found in fermented foods) that support gut health, digestion and immune system functions.

Nature Made vitamin D3 supplements

While I haven’t had symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency (fatigue, muscle aches, depression) I’ve been taking these since May when it was shown that a severe vitamin D deficiency was tied to COVID-19 mortality rates. Family members of mine were taking vitamin D supplements, and I figured it’s one of the easiest forms of preventative care for the disease on top of mostly staying home and wearings masks when not at home. I haven’t noticed a change in how I feel, which seems ideal since it means I’m definitely not taking too much for it to be toxic (Mayo Clinic recommends 1,000 to 2,000 IU daily as a safe level; and Nature Made capsules contain 1,000 IU).

Therapy calls

I’ve been seeing a therapist routinely for years and I have yet to walk away from an appointment that didn’t feel helpful. I feel lucky that I’m in more of a mental health maintenance space, as opposed to a few years ago when I perpetually felt upended and anxious and sad. I continue the monthly appointments (in the form of calls during COVID times) because they give me so much perspective on my life and my thought processes and my behaviors. There’s always a list of topics that I want to cover, whether it’s feelings I want to talk through and understand better, or habits I want to break, or changes I’d like to make, or stressors I’d like to let go of. And it’s relaxing to have a smart, neutral person to hash it all out with.