While folded over in double-pigeon pose during a breezy patio yoga class this week, breathing deeply into my hips, I caught myself doing it: waiting. Waiting for the yoga teacher to tell us it was time to switch to the next posture.

And it hit me: I’ve been doing this constantly, this waiting.

Waiting for Maisie to be ready to leave the dog park. Waiting for the work day to end. Waiting for the weekend. Waiting for a yoga class to happen. Waiting for plans with a friend to start. Waiting for a phone call. Waiting for dinner time (and wine time). Waiting for the next thing – which is the opposite of being in the moment, the now.

Since the onset of the pandemic, it’s hard not to feel like we’re in this elaborate state of waiting. Waiting to go back to the office to work, waiting for a vaccine, waiting for it to be safe and socially acceptable to hug people again and not wear a mask every time you’re in public. It’s hard not to sink into the mindset of, “Whatever, it’s only temporary, I won’t be waiting long.”

But what if we are? What if what was normal never comes back? What if it takes longer for a vaccine to be approved, and offices to open and hugs to be ok than we think? How long are we willing to wait?

Let go of the waiting. Allow the now to sink in. Because we’re not guaranteed whatever it is we might be waiting for.