I can do hard things.

I forget where I’ve read that line, but it’s been popping into my head as a sort of mantra lately. Not because I’m overcoming a massive obstacle in my life, but because little hard-feeling things keep planting themselves in my path during my day-to-day knee surgery recovery in a brace and crutches.

Climbing over the lip of a shower by myself.
Brushing my dogs.
Flexing my semi-atrophied quad 60 times a day.
Coaxing my knee to complete a whole cycle on a stationary bike.
Getting up and down a flight of stairs.
Sitting in a car for 3.5 hours.
Sitting at a restaurant.
Going back into the office.
Getting down and back up a sand dune at the beach.

I bump into a flicker of doubt – and fear. What if I fall and re-injure myself? What if I have to start all over? Then I let the thought go, and I just try. And so far, I’ve been surprised.

Do the big/small hard things. Just try.