Taking a break from something doesn’t mean you’ll lose it. I used to be afraid to take any amount of time off from yoga beyond a rest day. I’d worry that, despite years of practicing, I’d lose my flexibility, my strength, my flow. That my body wouldn’t slip back into splits, or float into a handstand, or feel balanced.

But after almost three months of barely practicing while my body recovers from injury and surgery, I see how ridiculous it was to ever worry about that. I signed up for three power yoga classes last week while I ease back onto my mat, and everything has felt SO good. Down to my sweaty face and messy top knot. Sure, my back and hips are a little tighter. Sure, I’m sore the next day because I’m waking up muscle groups I haven’t been using as much.

But I’ve worked on strength and balance in my workouts and physical therapy. And mindset-wise, a yoga class feels like something that’s fresh and exciting and easy to be grateful for. My body knows what it’s doing – and I can trust that.

So take breaks, take rest. Try other forms of movement that excite you, or that let you slow down if you’re healing. You can always come back to what you’ve done before.