A little check-in over here after more than a month without any true cardio – running, full-on power yoga, etc. – while I count down to ACL surgery. A few years ago, this would have sent me over the edge, compensating with restrictive behavior and dieting. We get too attached to our cardio, friends.

But aside from some extra anxiety (nothing clears that like a good run, dammit) and some extra knee stiffness, I feel really good.

I’m not counting calories, or macros.
I’m not cutting foods I love (especially chocolate + red wine).
I’m not skipping meals (savoring 3 a day, + 2 snacks).

I’m following principles of intuitive eating.
I’m practicing mindfulness with food + movement. Daily.
I’m trusting that our bodies are wiser than we often give them credit for. It’s hard work, but it does work.

Trust that your body is wiser than you often give it credit for.