There’s a lot we don’t have control over. But there’s also quite a bit that we do: like who we spend our time with and how.

If you can only handle phone calls and video chats right now, that’s fine.

If you’re only comfortable venturing into stores and coffee shops with a mask on, that’s fine (also, thank you).

If you’re only ok with spending in-person time with select friends, that’s fine.

If you’re only willing to hang out with people outside, that’s fine.

If you wash your hands after impulsively shaking someone’s hand (ah!), that’s fine.

If you can’t imagine when you’ll be comfortable in your office or fitness studio again, that’s fine.

For the large part, we can control who we see, whether we wear a mask or interact outside, whether we steer clear of crowds or people we know are spending time in crowds. We get to make these choices for ourselves, and whatever that comfort level is, that’s fine.

Give yourself permission to test what’s best for you, while respecting what’s best for the health of others. Let go of that weird twinge of guilt when you worry your trip to that patio or that store was the “wrong” choice. No one knows the rules to this experience.