I got asked recently about continuing education resources for writers in Charlotte who are looking to build their skill set and expand their writing knowledge. A few suggestions:

Freelance is the best place to start. It’s the quickest way to work for a variety of editors in different industries, with different expectations and different styles. In order to maintain the gig, you’re challenged to meet deadlines, write and report with accuracy and clarity, and stick to the guidelines you’re given. You also have to pivot with feedback – isn’t that the best way to grow?

MasterClass online classes are a new find for me, thanks to a Christmas gift from my husband. It’s $15 a month to access the program, and there’s a slew of online courses you can take, including a complete category for writing courses. I’m deep into a creative writing masterclass taught by Margaret Atwood and I’m loving it. 

For in-person classes and a sense of community, Charlotte Lit can’t be overlooked. This nonprofit, based in Plaza Midwood, offers classes and community conversations across writing genres, as well as membership perks like free admission to literary events, reduced pricing for workshops and access to studio space. 

In the long-term, nothing beats mentorship. Everyone needs a mentor just as everyone needs an editor. Pick one who can push you. I’m lucky that I switched industries for my day job (from online journalism to copywriting at a digital marketing agency), and that my boss nerds out about all forms of writing and reading as much, if not more than, I do. He’s guided me through the ins and outs of creating content for brands, from video scripts, to social media posts, to content marketing blogs, to creative briefs. Our latest playground is brand journalism, which you can read about here.

My agency also has a Hubspot account, which is heavy on continuing education courses focused on marketing strategy. For the wordsmiths, it features courses on business writing, blogging, content marketing and beyond. 

New year, no better time to continue writing.