I’m not a fan of wallowing in disappointment and frustration – I did a lot of that in my teens and it definitely didn’t serve me well. But I am making a point to experience the flickers of sadness/frustration that are coming up every so often lately with the loss of most of my physical yoga practice. There’s a difference between honoring the feeling and experiencing it, then letting it pass, vs. getting bogged down in it and not moving forward.

I spent an hour on my mat in my friend Chelsea’s class at Y2 on Thursday – and DAMN. It was more emotional than I expected, watching everyone around me flow through the warmup sequence while I spent a lot of time in down dog, knee bends and right-side balancing postures. It was good though, having to confront the reality that I can’t do most standing sequence postures until I get ACL surgery. And it felt good to be in a community space, and in a heated room that warmed up my joints.

I’ll continue to spend more time on my hands than on my feet for now, and I’ll continue to be grateful for the support of my fellow yogis. I’ll continue to be grateful for what my body can do right now, and honor her limitations.

Patience, patience.