I’ve been blabbing a lot about food and nutrition and movement on social media, and I’ve gotten so many kind comments and questions about it. Like: What’s the inspiration there?

First, I got a certification in nutrition coaching this year during my “extra” time at home (I’m a full-time writer still, but am remote and living my life in yoga pants).

Second, I’m tired of hearing/watching people fight against their bodies. I struggled with disordered eating for (too many) years, and waited longer than ideal to (1) seek help in the form of therapy, (2) educate myself on what an active body needs to function best and (3) become self-aware enough to give my own active body what it needs – and wants.

Oddly, pandemic life has been incredibly helpful for me to spend more time continuing that work for myself that I started in my later twenties. And it’s something I’m starting to love sharing with other people, especially women, so they can drop self-imposed standards, restrictions and unhealthy coping mechanisms. They’re not sustainable and they don’t deserve our time when we have people (and dogs) to love, jobs to work, lives to live, happiness to create.

So, thanks for following along! And know that if you find yourself struggling, talking through it and working through it is always, always worth it.