With the sun bursting out more and the air getting warmer, it’s hard not to feel optimistic. Even though a year has now passed since COVID swept into the Carolinas and sent a lot of us into remote work setups at home, things are finally starting to look up.

It really hit me the morning my husband signed us up for our first vaccines: “Holy shit, this could actually all be over soon.” Suddenly, there was an end in sight.

Then we actually got our first vaccines. I felt a sore arm, intense relief and a small swell of joy. How quickly things can turn for the better. I had forgotten that’s possible. And I’m so, so grateful.

We’re still a ways out from Vaccine #2, but I jotted down a short post-vaccination bucket list for myself.

Bucket List

  • Dinner inside a restaurant
  • A glass of red wine inside a wine bar
  • Hug friends (often)
  • Get work done inside a coffee shop

Experiences I used to have so often but took for granted. The atmosphere of an interior space, the luxury of being served a drink or a dish, the chatter of people surrounding you, the feeling of arms outside your family. I took it for granted. And now that’s all I want on the other side.