Remote work has been hard on people who benefit from the structure of an office environment. And since negative habits around eating often rear their heads when people are alone, working and eating alone during the day hasn’t been helpful either.

Environment is a huge factor when it comes to setting yourself up for better habits. Reducing temptations, distractions and stressors can greatly affect the actions you take or don’t take. If you’re feeling a little out of control around food during the work week – stress eating, mindlessly snacking, etc. – here are two easy steps you can take to change your environment and regain control.

Get out of the house

If you find yourself thinking about snacks a lot because you’re working at your kitchen table or down the hall from your giant pantry of goodness, it’s time to switch it up. Maybe your office is allowing vaccinated employees back to their desks, or maybe there’s a coffee shop you’ve been dying to check out that has a solid WiFi connection. If you already work in an office and the snack drawer is the culprit, the coffee shop awaits.

Either way, get out – and go somewhere else.

Devote your desk to work only

Yeah, it sounds productive when you “work through lunch.” When you sit bent over your keyboard typing with one hand and forking your lunch with the other. But you’re distracted. Not only are you mindlessly eating, there’s no way you’re 100% focused on your work either. Stop multitasking! Take 15 minutes to eat your lunch outside or at your kitchen table and get back to your desk when you’re done.

Take both steps. Not only will you feel more mindful around eating, but you’ll feel more productive at work.