Every client I start working with has the same task for Week 1: keep a food journal. I’m not talking obsessive tracking of calories or macronutrients – although, if that’s where you are in your nutrition journey, I’ll meet you there and work with it.

But really, I’m just talking basic awareness. When are you eating? What are you eating? What are you feeling when you’re eating? What are you feeling after? 

On the coaching side, this helps me see where someone is in their journey toward wellbeing. What’s going well? Where are there moments in the day that offer opportunities for improvement? Why might you be feeling fatigued, or snackish, or slow to recover? 

On the client side, this is such a huge step toward improved self-awareness. Knowing what’s going on in the body and in the mind and on the plate in front of you, and starting to see how all of that’s connected. 

Curious to try journaling a bit? Here’s a glimpse of the template I’m working with right now. It’s in Google Sheets, so it’s super easy to build on your own and share with others, like a coach.

Food Journal Template