We had a lot going on this weekend. Which can only mean: the holiday season is here.

Dinner at The Crêpe Cellar

Neither of us felt like cooking on Friday night, so we spontaneously got a late reservation at The Crêpe Cellar in NoDa. We hadn’t gone there together in years and kept meaning to go back, so news that the restaurant is transitioning into a new concept kicked us in the butts. It’s such a beautiful, snug space: dark wallpaper contrasting with exposed brick, big sleek booths, warm yellow lighting. I got a buckwheat crêpe with gruyère, eggs, mushroom, spinach, onion and purple slaw. Perfect on a cold night.


Surely it’s a sign of a successful Friendsgiving if all you take a picture of is your hideously blobby plate full of all of the amazing food your friends brought to the table. We went to our friends’ house for our annual Tom Hanks-themed Friendsgiving (T. Hanksgiving, to be technical). Being with a festive group and smelling all the smells of Thanksgiving goodness finally made it start to feel like the holidays. With all of our loved ones vaxxed, I can’t wait for a holiday season that’s not spent outdoors like last year. Can’t deal with that cold.

Friendsgiving food

Yoga teaching plans

I went to a teacher meeting at Y2 Yoga on Sunday – because I decided to start teaching again! I stopped during the onset of COVID, hugely due to health concerns when vaccinations weren’t available. But I miss it. I miss the flow of a class, I miss the connection with my fellow yogis, I miss how it feels to create an experience that either starts or ends someone’s day. For now, while I juggle my day job and freelance work, I’m sticking to subbing classes as needed. Which tends to be a lot during the holiday season when people are traveling and hosting family. Can’t wait!