That question has gone through my head a bit, lately. I’m not 100% of the belief that everything happens for a reason, but I do believe the Universe puts things in your path that have meaning. And I do believe the Universe provides for you when you put the right energy out there, and vibrate high. 

But why is this happening? My husband noticed our pup Murray had a broken tooth yesterday; just a teeny tiny front one. We’ve been through this before – he’s an anxious and recently-rescued pup, and he snapped a canine off during crate training and needed it extracted. Needless to say, we’re working on his anxiety and independence, sans crate training.

But we’re not sure how this latest fracture happened, or what we could have done better to prevent it. I took Murray to the vet this afternoon (he was totally exhausted from his first ever daycare experience, so it was a crazy day for him) and we were told the only course of action was another extraction. (If you haven’t dealt with this before, they’re not cheap.)

I can’t help but wonder what this means right now. What am I supposed to learn from it? I love this dog so, so, so much. So what I’m learning is, I care more about him than I care about a chunk of money. I want him to be happy and healthy, and his problems distract me from my own anxieties and perceived problems. I’m driven to take care of him and, even though I can’t always control or prevent his mishaps, I’m a good dog mom who’s willing to drop everything and do what I can for him. 

I know I want to give him the best life possible. And I trust that I’m capable of doing that. And maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s what the Universe wants me to see.


Next day update: Murray only needed a sealant on his tooth instead of an extraction! It was still a financial hit because he was under anesthesia when the decision was made, and probably needed to be under anesthesia anyway because of the dental cleaning and sealant process. But I’m so happy that he didn’t have to go through any sort of recovery beyond getting the meds out of his system. I don’t mind learning a lesson about myself AND having the best possible outcome. I’m very grateful for his amazing vet and her thoughtfulness.